Session Three Reading Assignments

Fear Fighters book:

Chapter 4, Your Fight of Faith

Your faith in God’s protection and provision is a powerful fear fighter to deliver you from the enemy’s attacks. Fear activates Satan’s work in your life and faith activates God’s work in your life. The Bible tells us to ‘fight the good fight of faith’ (I Timothy 6:12). To find victory you will, like Joshua, have to fight the five kings:

  1. See
  2. Hear
  3. Smell
  4. Taste 
  5. Touch

Your five senses are faith-killers. Satan’s ploy is to deceive you by trying to get you to live considering what only the five senses tell you is true. But praise God we have a 6th sense: FAITH. Your faith will fight for you. Faith fights fear and wins. Faith fights feelings and wins. 

Bible Readings:

  1. I Timothy chapter 6
  2. Joshua chapter 10
  3. II Corinthians chapter 5
  4. Psalm chapters 6-10


Watch the Following Video


Please Answer the Following Questions

  1. Give a brief summary of your Bible readings for lesson three.
  2. Give a brief summary of your readings in Fear Fighters.
  3. What jumped out at you the most in your readings from this lesson?
  4. Talk about the video you watched. 
  5. Based on what you have learned in this session, are there any areas of your life or anything that you will begin to do or think of differently? 
  6. Ask any questions or make any comments to your instructor for feedback. 

Submit a one paragraph minimum reflection on this lesson, along with your answers to the questions above, by clicking on the "Contact Instructor" button located below. After you have submitted your answers, you will receive a personalized response from your course mentor based on your answers.

Reflection should include the following:  

  • What you learned 
  • What had the most value for you or applied to your life 
  • Any other take-aways


Move on to lesson four when you're ready.