Session Six Reading Assignments

Fear Fighters book

Chapter 7, Fighting the Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is so paralyzing that it keeps many people from even reaching for their dreams—they simply cannot face the risk of trying and failing. What is your dream? Are you willing to risk failure to walk in destiny? You have to become a fear fighter if you expect to walk in the success God has for you. Scary moments can be great opportunities but fear fighters take advantage of opportunities. Many times the problem of inaction can be found in your definition of failure. How do YOU define failure? There has been many a famous person who failed many, many times on their way to greatness and breakthrough. Among those would be Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Roger Bannister, and Sir Isaac Newton. Failure is not final. It says in Proverbs 24:16 that “a man falls seven times and will rise again. Being a fear fighter requires courage:

  1. Courage for people’s sake
  2. Courage for your sake
  3. Courage for the Lord’s sake
  4. Courage for the enemy’s sake

Bible Readings:

  1. Proverbs 14
  2. Proverbs chapter 13
  3. Joshua chapter 1
  4. II Samuel chapter 23
  5. Psalm chapters 56 and 139


Watch the Following Video

Spend the next 12-15 minutes in worship and contemplation, thinking on the things from this week’s activities.


Please Answer the Following Questions 

  1. Give a brief summary of your Bible readings for lesson six.
  2. Give a brief summary of your readings in Fear Fighters.
  3. What jumped out at you the most in your readings from this lesson?
  4. Talk about the video you watched. 
  5. Based on what you have learned in this session, are there any areas of your life or anything that you will begin to do or think of differently? 
  6. Ask any questions or make any comments to your instructor for feedback. 

Submit a one paragraph minimum reflection on this lesson, along with your answers to the questions above, by clicking on the "Contact Instructor" button located below. After you have submitted your answers, you will receive a personalized response from your course mentor based on your answers.

Reflection should include the following:  

  1. What you learned 
  2. What had the most value for you or applied to your life 
  3. Any other take-aways


Move on to lesson seven when you're ready.