Sermon Notes

February 27, 2022

The Overflowing Cup

Sermon Notes


We aren’t called to live a life that is “just enough.” There is ALWAYS an overflowing cup of God’s blessing flowing to you. You have a God that is always overflowing with goodness, kindness, love, favor, and blessing. You have more blessings than burdens, so think about those and rejoice in God’s faithfulness.


Key Scripture
John 6:7-13; Psalm 23:1-6; Ephesians 2:4; I Timothy 1:14; Judges 14:14; Psalm 68:19, 86:5; Isaiah 51:22; I Corinthians 10:21


Key Points

1. Don’t focus on the problem; focus on the cup that is always overflowing. Guard your thoughts and your expectations. 

2. He is overflowing in mercy. Time after time in scripture, God extended mercy to the worst of the worst. He can heal it all, and that includes you. He can renew it all, and that includes you. His mercy is new every morning. His mercy endures forever and ever. 

3. “Abundant” in the scripture means “superabundant” (like a hyperactive child). His grace toward you is hyperactive. God’s grace will overflow in your life onto others. 

4. When your cup runs over, your praise needs to run over. When you are at your lowest, let your praise overflow. 

5. The cup says to keep going. Even if things are not looking up, the cup of God’s blessing overflows if you will keep going. Don’t give up. 

6. Are you a sipper or a slurper? God’s cup of blessing overflows and challenges you to drink it all in. It is a river and not a drip. 

7. After the lion comes the honey. God’s not going to leave you there in your darkest hours. God will take your worst experience and turn it into a blessing.

8. Hell’s plan is to get you to focus on what you don’t have. Place your eyes on the many blessings you have and not on what you don’t have. Enjoy the cup of blessing. Live on the level of overflowing blessings and overcoming. 

9. Your God’s provision is as plenty as is His mercy. He is limitless in mercy. He is always ready to forgive immediately. 

10. A new cup is coming. The cup of trembling and chaos will be taken from your hand and replaced by the cup of blessing. Give God the cup of demons—all that is evil—that have been attacking you and your family, and allow God to give you a new cup that overflows with His goodness and mercy forever. 


Final Thoughts
Sippers sit and stare, slurpers shout and praise. Which one are you? God loads you with blessings daily, but you have to look for the benefits. Blessings are all around you if you will look for them. His mercy will always endure. God will give you the promise and the performance of the promise. But in between is the pause. In that pause, you have to turn your eyes away from what is behind and go to another level. Don’t allow the “fear images” to enter your mind. Don’t allow your thoughts to go there. Because, surely, even in the pause, goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life. 


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