Sermon Notes

August 11, 2023

Moments That Mark Us

There are moments in life when God marks you. Whether in service or some other place, there are God encounters when God marks you and changes the rest of your life. It is the place God gives directions, chains break, and breakthrough comes. Will you wrestle with God long enough to receive His blessing?

Key Scriptures:

Genesis 32:22-32

Key Points:

How to create a moment that marks you:

  1. Get by yourself. None of the 15 people Jacob was with could satisfy and change him the way God wanted to; the only thing that could do that was a new relationship with God. You must desire community with God more than with people.
  2. Take the limits off. Just when you think it’s over, God is about to mark you! God did not bless Jacob until the sun began to rise; Jacob had to wrestle all night. Just when it makes sense to your natural mind to quit, if you hold on, God will bless you! God will never send a trial without connecting it to a blessing. Some of the greatest moves of God happen when you are ready to quit.
  3. Don’t let go of God. Once He marks you, if you hold on, He is going to bless you! If you don’t quit, God will turn your mark into a blessing. If God marks you, it is because out of the painful, bloody, and terrible moment, God will bless you beyond anything you can imagine.

What happens when you encounter God:

    1. He changes your identity. Jacob went from a “deceiver” to a “receiver” when He wrestled with God. You see things differently after you encounter God marks you. After one encounter with God, all the fear Jacob had was gone.
    2. It affects your journey. After encountering God, every step Jacob took was different. Give God time to direct your steps through seeking Him in prayer and worship.
    3. It causes you to never touch certain things again. Some things may not destroy you, but after one touch from God, you never touch them again. If you want the blessing, you must wrestle with God over some things.
        1. If you lack convictions, you lack encounters. Out of fresh encounters come fresh convictions. Hold onto what others let go of. If you remove the touch of God, you remove convictions from the congregation.


Final Thoughts:

If you are questioning, when you have a God encounter, it makes you sure again.

Don’t set your convictions according to what other people say. If you wrestle with God, He will bring conviction, and it will be joyful! Create an encounter with God and let it affect every area of your life!
