Daily Devotion

October 20, 2013

Sparrows (4)

“Not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.” Mt 10:29 NKJV

A fallen sparrow. Jesus said, “Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.” Great news: God knows when you fall, and His will is to lift you up again. Perhaps you were flying high, then you made a mistake. You were sabotaged by a secret struggle you couldn’t share with anyone. Or your trust was devastated by someone you loved. As a result you are afraid to begin again; afraid you can’t overcome your past and rise again to fulfill your destiny. Regardless of how many times you’ve failed, God still loves you. Have you been attacked in a specific area of your life and it’s become an area of repeated failure? Have you asked yourself, “What is this battle about?” Hear this: the battle is not over your past, it’s over your future! That’s why you are a target. And the God Who gave Peter and Jonah a second chance, will lift you from the ashes of failure and remake your life into something beautiful. God saw you when you fell, so there’s no reason to try and hide from Him. Like the shepherd who went looking for his one lost sheep, God is looking for you today. Not to condemn you but to restore you. Self-exaltation leads to pride, which God hates. But self-loathing leads to paralysis. There’s only one unpardonable sin, so you can go to God with confidence knowing He will give you a fresh start. And this time He will empower you to be strong and succeed.
