Daily Devotion

February 2, 2024

And Then Some

“After she had given him a drink, she said ‘I’ll draw water for your camels too, until they have had enough to drink.’” Genesis 24:19


God is looking for people with an “and then some” attitude.


In Genesis 24, Rebekah stood out because when asked for a drink of water, she gave water to all the man’s camels! One camel can hold 40 gallons of water, and she gave all of them water until they couldn’t drink anymore. This was no small task! In Middle Eastern culture, it was common to offer someone a cup of water, but what Rebekah did was way above and beyond the norm. This act of service led to her being chosen as Isaac’s wife and catapulted her into a blessed life.


This mentality will elevate your life above average. When you do what is required of you and then some, you will start to get the attention of God. God blesses people who do something Jesus called “the extra mile.” Jesus said, “If a man compels you to go a mile and carry his bag for him, you are to go the second mile without being asked.”


Decide that you’re not going to be average on your job. You may not love where you work right now, but applying this principle will elevate you. You will not remain hidden and in the shadows. Three words distinguishing highly successful people from average people are “and then some.”


Be an outstanding Christian who doesn’t just do the bare minimum. Be an excellent spouse, parent, student, employee, or athlete. Decide to do everything expected of you…and then some, and then watch what God will do with your life!


Watch the Full Sermon Here
