
August 14, 2018

Abused and Malnourished Baby Abandoned in Haiti

It was just a few months ago that Noah was found abandoned in front of the Jesus Healing Center in Haiti. He had a huge bloated belly and was so malnourished he couldn’t even cry—only whimper. 


When the doctor removed his dirty clothes, he found the marks of a whip or stick all over his chest, stomach, and back. Had had been badly beaten and his teeth had been knocked out.




Noah began to eat the nourishing food donated each month through your generosity. Thanks to the generous support of Kingdom Connection and for our mission to Haiti, he had access to the calories, vitamins, and minerals his body so desperately needed. And he was in the care of people who were kind and loving.


Soon Noah began to walk and talk!

Now Noah laughs, plays, and dances. He has a chance at a new life, made possible by your support. Sherry Burnette, our partner in Haiti, expressed her gratitude: “Pastor Franklin, you and your Kingdom Connection partners are like an army marching against, hunger, pain, and starvation.”

Friends, this is what it’s all about. It’s about one little boy or one little girl. The world is changed one person at a time. 


I can’t think you enough for your support. You made it possible to change Noah’s life. Never doubt that God sees what you do and will reward you for your kindness and compassion.



