
January 9, 2018

Why Should I Fast? - Day 3

Here we are on Day 3 of the Fast! For many, the third day is significant because you made it through Day 1 and Day 2. There are three key ingredients for your success during the fast: submission, sacrifice, and commitment. Day 3 is when your body and your mind begin to realize that your spirit is serous about the fast.


Today’s Topic

Why Should I Fast?

You can fast for several different reasons. For most, it is a way to press in and a desire to get closer to God. Do you need to hear from the Lord about a situation in your life? Are you in search of a fresh encounter with Him? Is there an obstacle in your way keeping you from accomplishing something important to you? What about spiritual wisdom, direction, or healing? Do you need a MIRACLE? How many times have you been at a crossroads or even worse a dead end? Fasting puts you in a position of intimacy with God so that you can hear from Him. You become tuned in. That intimacy with God is powerful!


God speaks to us in many different ways. You could hear from Him when you are reading your Bible, studying a devotional, talking with another person, or even when listening to a song while driving to work. However it may be, fasting enhances your senses to the presence of God. You become more sensitive to His voice, and He speaks. When you fast, you are letting God know that you need Him, you want His input, and desire to be near Him.


Think about all the people in the Bible who fasted: Moses, David, Elijah, Esther, Daniel, Anna the prophetess, Paul, and Jesus Christ the Son of God. Why were they fasting? They needed to hear from God. They needed their mountain moved. They knew they had exhausted all their own resources. They needed a miracle!


Moses wrote the Ten Commandments while fasting for 40 days. David asked God to heal his child. Esther needed God to move on behalf of the Jewish people. After Daniel fasted, an angel spoke to him in his dream reassuring him that he was favored and God would take care of him. Paul fasted for wisdom and insight.


Can you relate? What mountain are you facing today that needs to be moved?

In Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus talked about the expectation for fasting. He said it was to be done in private but he also said be expectant! Expect God to move on your behalf!


Today, I encourage you and challenge you to submit, sacrifice, and commit! God has big plans!


Be sure to sign in to answer this question in the comments below and join the conversation! We want to hear from you, too! 
