Daily Devotion

February 20, 2024

The Lamb Is Too Good Not To Share

“Jesus replied, ‘If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.’” John 4:10


Jesus’s last words were to “Go into all the world.” Go. Reach. Stretch. He didn’t save you just to sit in church every week to hear sermons, be entertained by good music, and socialize with friends. His last word ought to be our first priority.


The very first evangelist in the Bible was a Samaritan woman who was divorced 5 times. Jesus met her at a well and explained to her that He was the living water that gives eternal life. Once He told her that He was the Messiah, she immediately dropped her water jug, ran to her village, and told everyone about Him. She shared her encounter with Jesus with everyone she saw, and an entire village came to meet him because of her boldness!


Somewhere out there today, there is an alcoholic who is waking up in his addiction and shame. There is a teenage girl who has gotten pregnant out of wedlock and is thinking about aborting her baby. There’s a couple on the verge of divorce. There’s maybe even someone who has lost all hope for living and is planning to end their life. 


If you know Jesus, you have living water. You have the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, and you must share Him. You may have gone through some hardships yourself. Use your victories to encourage others that God will carry them through if they will trust Him. Share your own story of how Jesus has changed your life. Like the Samaritan woman, be bold and excited to share Jesus with everyone you encounter. 


You don’t have to be perfect to share the good news. If you’re drinking from the well of living water, you have something to offer men and women who have never even heard about the power of Jesus. You know the one who can turn their life around. Don’t keep this gift to yourself.


Watch the Full Sermon Here
