
December 11, 2013

Cancel the Devil’s Assignment

God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased.
—1 Corinthians 12:18

One of God’s primary purposes for your life is proper placement. Being in the right place at the right time is an important key to discovering God’s will for your life. In Genesis 1, God created a place and He created Adam; in Genesis 2, God planted Adam into his proper place: the garden.

What does this tell you about God and His will for your life? Two things:

  1. God doesn’t leave you where He finds you.
  2. God has a proper placement for you.

The owner of the first “placement service” in the world was God. Paul wrote, “God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased” (1 Corinthians 12:18). God comes to you right where you are and gives you a purpose, a mission, and a place. God gave Adam a place of employment before He gave him a wife. If you’re a single woman, you shouldn’t consider marrying any man who doesn’t have his place of employment—a job.

More than twelve years ago, God began to speak to me about this amazing gift of discernment. I had a dream one Saturday night that was so vivid I will never forget it. I dreamed I was attending the funeral of a child. When I walked up to the little casket and looked in, I was devastated to see Caressa, my three-year-old daughter, lying lifeless in the coffin. Immediately, I woke up from the dream and awakened my wife. We both began to pray for our family. We wept as the strong presence of the Lord entered our bedroom.

The next morning, still shaken by this experience, I went to church to preach. I preached a sermon I titled “Cancel the Devil’s Assignment.” At the end of the message, I tearfully told the congregation about my dream. I explained how I believed God was warning me that Satan had targeted our children at a young age, but through the blood of Jesus Christ, we could cancel the devil’s assignment in their lives.

It was one of the most moving services I’ve ever taken part in, as fathers and mothers began to cry out to God on behalf of their families. Yet God had an even more specific plan in store…

Heavenly Father, thank You that You have a specific place in mind for each of Your children. I ask You for the wisdom to recognize the devil’s snares and to stay in tune with Your will for my life. Lead me in the direction that You would have me to go. Amen.
