Daily Devotion

July 7, 2018

What’s In a Name? Everything! (4)

“I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites…Peace! Do not be afraid.”  Jdg 6:16, 23 NIV


The name Jehovah-Shalom: The Lord our peace, was discovered by Gideon when God told him to lead Israel against the Midianites—a position he felt was far beyond his capacity (See v. 24). “How can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest…and I am the least in my family” (v. 15 NIV). Here’s how the Lord responded: “I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites…Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die.” A frightened Gideon believed God and before the battle was even fought or the victory won, by faith he saw the peace already secured. So he built an altar to Jehovah-Shalom, “the Lord is peace!” We often assume we’ll only have peace when our situation changes. Then like Gideon we learn that inward peace doesn’t depend on altering our outward circumstances; it depends on believing God is with you and experiencing His inner peace. Jesus promises: “Peace I leave with you; my peace [inner, faith-based] I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives [outward, circumstantial]. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (Jn 14:27 NIV). However inadequate you may feel to face the challenges today, remember Christ’s words: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace…take heart! I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33 NIV). Notice: Your job is to “take heart,” and trust Jehovah-Shalom to handle the rest!
