Daily Devotion

January 5, 2016


The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands (Psalm 19:1 NIV).

The most natural thing in the world is for God’s creation to cry out in worship to Him. The sun doesn’t have a choice; His majesty is seen in the dawn of every day. The ocean cannot cease her praise; His wonder is revealed with each ripple across the sea. But you and I, His most prized creation, get to decide if we will proclaim the wonder of His works or not.

Choosing to give God the honor and adoration that He deserves opens the doors to experience all that He has for you!

Your time in worship is so much more than a few moments of sacrifice. It’s a pause from your ordinary life to experience God’s extraordinary world. By pausing to seek His voice, you give Him a chance to be heard. Our lives can easily become so busy and full that we fail to notice when He’s trying to get our attention.

Don’t end your time with God and go back to living on bread alone. Commit to leaving room for worship and prayer every day, so that you will remain sensitive to His presence in your life.

Lord You are great! And Your wonders are far more than I can recount. Your love for me alone is more than I can fathom. Guide me daily into a deeper understanding of who You are, and let my life proclaim Your goodness in everything I do.
