Daily Devotion

July 19, 2015

Get Over It!

“He who…forgives an offense seeks love, but he who…harps on a matter separates…friends.”     Pr 17:9 AMP

Countless friendships have been destroyed because of situations where one friend gets offended by something the other one said or did. A mark of spiritual growth is how quickly you get over slights and insults; the more mature you are, the less time it takes to “forgive an offense” and move on. One Christian writer says: “Okay, your friend ditches you and your feelings are hurt…or she’s too busy to return your phone call or email…or you’re out to dinner with another couple and the other guy insults your husband in an attempt to be funny …Offenses come…Jesus said they would (Jn 16:33). People are people. If you’ve been offended by a friend, or felt slighted; get over it! Hit the Control>Alt>Delete buttons. Don’t let bitterness even think about putting down roots…‘Love…is not irritable…it keeps no record of being wronged…never gives up…and endures through every circumstance’ (1Co 13:4-7 NLT)…It seems impossible…and without God’s love it is. So yield to His love, overlook offenses and walk in love, because next week you’ll be the one needing unconditional love. When it comes to being perfect, we’ve all blown it. If you want your friends to overlook your offenses, be quick to overlook theirs.” Make this your prayer today: “Father, thank You for the relationships You’ve blessed me with. I make a decision today to release anyone who has ever offended me in the slightest…to overlook it… forget about it, and move on. I will not keep a record of their wrongs. I will offer mercy and unconditional love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
