Daily Devotion

February 24, 2014

Born to Serve

Our King is a servant king. Jesus said, “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve” (Mark 10:45). You also were born to serve and to be a blessing. You were born to help somebody, to make a difference in another person’s life. We are called to be a blessing to the broken, the hurting, to those who have lost their way.

You were born to be a king. You were born to walk through this world as a victorious champion. You were born to walk through this world in the authority of God’s kingdom. When Jesus saves you and raises you up to heavenly places, your circumstances may not look like they change, but they do. You can say with confidence, “I may be going through a tough time for a season, but I was not born to stay here. I was born to rule and reign with Jesus Christ. This prison that I’m in won’t hold me forever.”

If you’re going to accept the low places, that’s all you’ll ever experience in life. But if you can ever get a realization of your purpose — that you were born for victory and joy unspeakable — then you can fully understand that God has a divine purpose and plan for your life. Struggles and battles will come. But no matter what comes up against you, your response should be, “Even if I lose it all, I was born to be a king!”
