Connection Questions

June 14, 2019

The Devil's Waterloo


In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.

John 24:5-7


It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming. Sometimes on the difficult “Fridays” of our life, we forget that Sunday is coming. Everything you are wanting in this world is on the other side of not giving up. What an awful day that must have been on that Friday when Jesus was crucified. Satan thought he had sent the message “Jesus defeated.” Then the fog cleared, and just like after the battle of Waterloo, the message became clear: “Jesus defeated Satan!” On Sunday He rose from the dead, and forever destroyed the power of death and the grave.


Whatever you are going through today, it’s only Friday; your Sunday is coming! The critic asks, “What difference does the Easter story make?” It makes ALL the difference. You cannot stop at Bethlehem, or the cross—you have to go to the empty tomb to understand the full story.


“The world’s winning. People are sinning, and evil’s grinning … but let me tell you something, Sunday is coming!” Jentezen Franklin


Key Points

1. Read the back of the book—we win. When all seems lost, when someone close to you dies, it’s only temporary. We will see them again.

2. Easter Sunday is the greatest message of our faith, because it tells us Jesus is coming again. It tells us Jesus conquered the grave. That message is as true today as it was over 2000 years ago.

3. Wellington Defeated … Napoleon! All seemed lost when this message was sent out because the message was incomplete. But when the fog lifted, it showed the true message. On Friday the message looked like Jesus Christ Defeated. But on Sunday the message read, “Jesus Christ Defeated the Grave!” Whatever you are going through, it’s just the Friday of your situation.

4. Your Friday is not your final destination. The world will say, “You can’t get out of your dead situation. But you CAN get out, because He got out of His grave.

5. Satan misunderstood Friday; he thought he had won. Satan thinks he has beat you, but he misunderstands your God again and again. Satan only wins when you believe that Friday is the end result. Never forget your victory comes on Sunday!!

6. God is not waiting to zap you for your failure. He always stands ready to forgive. Your failure is your Friday, but Sunday is coming! We serve a forgiving God.




E – Emanuel Your God is with you in all things, and at all times through the Holy Spirit

A – Atonement His provision for your sin

S – Sonrise He is coming again, and your joy is renewed every morning

T – Truth A lie cannot live and our God is TRUTH

E – Eternal Life Eternity is your destiny

R – Resurrection You, too, can come out of the grave … of your addiction, sorrow, sin, failure, etc.


Final Thoughts

Easter should carry significant meaning every day. It’s Sunday, but He is coming again! Friday happened, and there will be many Fridays in your life, but every Friday has a Sunday that changes everything. Never believe the lie that your Friday is final. When your Fridays come, tell the devil he is a liar, and remind him that your Sunday is coming!


Today can be the best day of your life. If you are not right with Jesus, today is your day. Bow your knee and ask Jesus to forgive you and ask Him into your heart. Maybe you are saved, but you are not right with God. Maybe it feels like Friday in your life; repent and get out of that grave! Sunday has come, and forgiveness and a new start are yours if you will just ask Him.


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