
November 21, 2019

"I was facing a 12-year prison sentence."

I was facing a 12-year prison sentence. I had lived with a meth addiction for the past 27 years, doing whatever necessary to get high and provide for my daughter. The judge offered me an alternative two-year program at the Dream Center instead of my prison sentence, and I jumped on the opportunity.


I knew I needed the help; my life was out of control. Since my mom had died in 2010, I felt so angry with God and overwhelmed by grief. I entered the Dream Center’s Discipleship Program, which has focused on the root issues of my anger and addiction. I’m learning more about myself, and how to work on things slowly.



Since being here, I have a better relationship with God, and He gives me the strength to keep going. Because of Jesus, my life has peace. Now I have a better understanding of why I made the bad choices I did. If I hadn’t joined this program, I would be in prison or dead. I am currently pursuing my GED and restoring my relationship with my daughter. This is my chance for a fresh start in life. I want to build healthy relationships, renew my mind to positive thinking and lean on God.


—Tanya Ferguson


Like so many other women in our country, Tanya fell into the grips of addiction, and before the dream center, saw no way out. Sadly, prevention and treatment programs are largely tailored for males and do not address the unique risks and issues women face with substance abuse. Programs specifically designed for females, help reduce the number of addicted adult women by 25%! We're so grateful for the support of our friends and partners like YOU who make it possible to fund life-changing programs, like the Dream Center's Discipleship Program, saving mothers, daughters, and sisters like Tanya.




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