Daily Devotion

September 7, 2015

Your quiet time with God (3)

“He went out into the mountains to pray, and prayed all night.”

Lk 6:12 TLB

Why do you need a quiet time with God each day? Because Jesus did, and He’s your example: “He was up long before daybreak and went…to pray” (Mk 1:35 TLB). The truth is, we make time for what we value most, for the people we love most, for our highest priorities, and what we find most rewarding. Notice, Jesus seldom prayed for anybody in public. Why? Because He’d already done His praying before He got there! He made deposits each morning so that He could make withdrawals all day long. And the busier He got, the more He prayed. Did He know something we don’t? Jesus had no difficulty choosing between the crowd’s agenda and His Father’s will. “I can do nothing on my own. I judge as God tells me. Therefore, my judgment is just, because I carry out the will of the one who sent me” (Jn 5:30 NLT). Why do spiritual leaders sometimes fall? Because they get caught up in the work of the Lord and neglect their relationship with Him. Throughout history, anyone who has been greatly used by God was a person of prayer. Martin Luther said, “I have so much to do that I must spend the first three hours each day in prayer.” Ceaseless activity will drain you and leave you vulnerable to Satan’s attack. The sign on a church bulletin board says it all: “Seven prayerless days make one weak Christian.” So the busier you become, the more time you need to spend with God. Simply stated: If you’re too busy to have a quiet time with God, you’re too busy!
